Bear Grylls Live
A mind-blowing live action and adventure show designed and hosted by Bear Grylls alongside a cast of expert aerial artists and stunt crew, Endeavour: Your Adventure Awaits is a hair-raising, immersive, theatrical expedition across the globe using state of the art video mapping technology and stunning special effects.
7th October – The SSE Arena Wembley, London
8th October – The SSE Arena Wembley, London
11th October- SSE Hydro, Glasgow
14th October- First Direct Arena, Leeds
15th October- Motorpoint Arena, Nottingham
16th October- Echo Arena, Liverpool
18th October- The SSE Arena, Belfast
19th October- 3Arena, Dublin
22nd October, Genting Arena, Birmingham
23rd October, Sheffield Arena
25th October, Motorpoint Arena, Cardiff
26th October, Metro Radio Arena, Newcastle
28th October, Manchester Arena
To book your tickets head over to beargryllslive.comĀ
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